Welcome to Seaside Interiors

Smoked Oak Flooring


Project Description

If you’re looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your home, consider the stunning beauty of Smoked Oak flooring. This gorgeous flooring option can provide a strong, warm colour scheme to any room, as demonstrated by this recent installation we carried out in Dublin.

With its rich, deep tones and distinctive grain patterns, Smoked Oak flooring can create a truly striking visual impact in any space. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of luxury to your living room,  or add some character to a hallway, this flooring option is sure to impress.

At Seaside Interiors, we specialise in providing high-quality flooring solutions that are both stylish and functional. Our expert team can help you choose the perfect flooring option to suit your unique style and needs, and we’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your new flooring is installed to perfection.

So if you’re looking to transform your home with the beauty of Smoked Oak flooring,  get in touch with us today. We’ll be happy to show you more examples of our work and help you bring your vision to life!